Advocating for Michigan Legislation - Bills 5178 and 5179
Let's get these bills out of committee on December 5th
Let's get these bills out of committee on December 5th
In the News
Elegy: The Many Myths of JD Vance (Ep. 4: Cultural Heroin) Great to chat with Madeline Fening about opioid addiction and the importance of politicians using their platform to inform the public about solutions not dehumanizing and demagoguing. 🔊30min listen
In the News
'Lazarus drug' may have competition in MI Important reporting about the harmful push to get other opioid overdose formulations more widely available in Michigan. These new formulations/medications (high-dose naloxone and nalmefene) will massively harm affected community members and not reduce overdose deaths. NOTE: Naloxone has been working
In the News
Emergency opioid overdose boxes installed at Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority residences Highlighting the unnecessary and costly purchase of Naloxboxes. They are charging $100's for plastic boxes to hold naloxone. We must stop the rampant profiteering and use money to support evidence-based, cost-effective solutions to this crisis.
In the News
FDA approves overdose-reversing Narcan for over-the-counter sale Comments on how OTC naloxone isn’t enough to address issues with access.