The Hub

Digital Health - Opioid Policy Institute
Digital health is a burgeoning area of investment and interest. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy for patients to tell who the bad actors are. We aim to change this. We want to answer the essential question: How can we protect and expand the rights of patients with opioid use disorders, while re…

Reporting on Addiction
Most people learn about addiction through the media, but these stories aren’t always telling the whole picture… To help improve this, we partnered with 100 Days in Appalachia. 100 Days in Appalachia is a non-profit newsroom committed to improving reporting about and in the Appalachian region. For…

Policy Work
Research drives policy. Policy drives research. At OPI both work hand in hand to take traditionally staid research out of academia and into the real-world to have an impact. Some of our focus areas include: