Advocating for Michigan Legislation - Bills 5178 and 5179
Let's get these bills out of committee on December 5th
Digital Health
It's been 1,232 days and still no health breach notifications from 22 companies blatantly violating people's health privacy rights.
In the News
Elegy: The Many Myths of JD Vance (Ep. 4: Cultural Heroin) Great to chat with Madeline Fening about opioid addiction and the importance of politicians using their platform to inform the public about solutions not dehumanizing and demagoguing. 🔊30min listen
In the News
Slow-moving Michigan AG spurred to action by Opioid Policy Institute complaint.
It's been 1,232 days and still no health breach notifications from 22 companies blatantly violating people's health privacy rights.
Some insight into our principles and how they affect business operations
A must-read for those who say these privacy violations are not intentional and that these companies "mean well."
A hub for the key data related to privacy & opioid addiction treatment and recovery websites Report 2 series.
The first domino in addiction privacy enforcement?
Report 2.1, highlights NIDA's reckless grant spending that has bolstered digital opioid addiction treatment and recovery services.
We're addressing issues that impact people affected by opioid addiction.
Priorities for Opioid Settlement Money: Spend Now vs. Invest for Future 3 minutes📽️ “That’s not to say that prevention isn't important, but we also know prevention is a real long game,” Stoltman said. “If you think about it as like the building is on fire, the first
Michigan's continued moves to obfuscate opioid settlement spending.
Wired (6 Sept 2024)🔒 This is bad. +120,000 files +1.7 million activity logs 5.3 terabytes of data Intake files Audio of sessions Video of sessions Drug tests Therapy notes all were exposed on an unsecured database. This is a privacy and security disaster.
Exposing bad opioid policy stances in Michigan's 2024 US Senate candidate
Michigan could see over $100 million in opioid settlement money this year "Some of the most important spending has been increasing naloxone distribution; that's the overdose reversal medication," said Jonathan Soltman, the director of the Opioid Policy Institute. "Trying to target high-risk communities and make
It's time to change how the opioid settlement money is tracked in Michigan.
Our recent op-ed in STAT News focused on NIDA's reckless spending in the digital health space. We highlight how NIDA-funded digital health services are frequently using illegal technology when handling sensitive, protected health data and what can be done to fix this (NIDA clawing back the money, more
Today we're highlighting all the ways the recently approved GOP platform attempts to address the opioid/drug crisis (with light commentary). Below, I pulled relevant sections and context from the chapter intro. NB - Italics and bolding are mine for emphasis. Support Our Work ❤️
Much has been written about the debate performances. Let's talk a little about the policies. Naturally, the opioid policy question piqued my interest. What will you do to help Americans right now in the throes of addiction, who are struggling to get the treatment they need?
Normal Silicon Valley non-sense: Move fast and break things Health-tech version: Move fast and go broke
Lack of transparency still clouds billions in opioid settlement money going to states 4 minutes📽️ Republished by 73 Local News Outlets