STAT News (22 July 2024)

STAT News (22 July 2024)

Our recent op-ed in STAT News focused on NIDA's reckless spending in the digital health space.

We highlight how NIDA-funded digital health services are frequently using illegal technology when handling sensitive, protected health data and what can be done to fix this (NIDA clawing back the money, more FTC action, and partnership with government groups that understand these risks better than NIDA).

NIDA should beware of funding companies that violate people’s privacy
NIH and NIDA have a unique role to play in righting the wrongs of the past and ensuring that future funding does not harm people seeking addiction care.

Our Digital Health Research Hub

Digital Health - Opioid Policy Institute
Digital health is a burgeoning area of investment and interest. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy for patients to tell who the bad actors are. We aim to change this. We want to answer the essential question: How can we protect and expand the rights of patients with opioid use disorders, while reducing barriers to care?