Report 2 - Data Dashboard

A hub for the key data related to privacy & opioid addiction treatment and recovery websites Report 2 series.

Report 2 - Data Dashboard
The goal of this work remains protecting and advancing the privacy rights of people with an opioid addiction.

Below is a walk-through of data included in the Report 2 series (2.1 et al.). More than just a "data dump," the widgets below walk you through the data to add important context and analysis beyond the written reports and limitations inherent to flat PDFs.

We'll release a series of explainers specific to this work over the next couple of weeks to help further contextualize our findings. Those videos will also be shared here too.

We hope that highlighting data in this way meets two needs:

1. The data becomes more accessible to patients, providers, payers, and funders using or promoting these services so that they may independently evaluate the services. This is particularly important because the privacy claims made by these services are quite different from the privacy practices described by our reports. The burden of making sure a service follows privacy regulations or is protecting privacy as it claims to should not fall to the patient. This report represents the floor for privacy issues, not the ceiling. So even if a patient were to use our data or the available tools, there may be other ways their data is being redisclosed without their informed consent. However, the current system is either too broken, slow, or unresponsive to meet the privacy needs of people seeking life-saving addiction treatment and recovery support. We'll keep advocating for these protections to be enforced and enhanced.

2. The data becomes more accessible to people working to correct this behavior that unnecessarily puts people at risk by violating patient's expectations and the existing privacy regulations. PDF versions of the report also serve this need...but sometimes people want to "see" the data.

This page is also where NEW time points related to the Report 2 series will be automatically updated and visualized.

Unlike traditional research, this is an ongoing project with no planned end date. However, releasing a new report for each new time point does not make sense. Having a data dashboard frees us up to work on writing up other data related to this work while still keeping an eye on this part of our project.

While this project aims to be comprehensive, it is possible that the Markup Blacklight tool did not catch all possible issues at all possible time points. Thus, this data is the minimum representation of privacy risks these services present to patients, providers, payers, and funders.

Company Summaries

Information about the services including a high-level privacy summary, funding, and examples of privacy claims in advertisements or on the website.

Privacy Issue Summary

March 2021 - now

Use of Ad Trackers

March 2021 - now

Use of Cookies

March 2021 - now


March 2021 - now

Meta (Facebook) Pixel

March 2021 - now

Google Analytics

March 2021 - now

All Data

March 2021 - now

Data collection timeframe:

1. March 2021
2. November 2021
3. June 2022
4. July 2022
5. September 2022
6. March 2023
7. June 2023**^
8. November 2023**^
9. February 2024**^
10. April 2024**^ (Pelago Health/Quit Genius added)
** update made to the Markup's Blacklight tool
^ not in Report 2.1

Report 2.1 - Company Breakdown
Summary of privacy issues by opioid addiction treatment and recovery services broken down by company.
Report 2.1
Report 2.1, highlights NIDA’s reckless grant spending that has bolstered digital opioid addiction treatment and recovery services.
Report 2
We’re addressing issues that impact people affected by opioid addiction.
Report 1
We’re addressing issues that impact people affected by opioid addiction.